Results for 'Guillermo Alberto Freydell Montoya'

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  1.  16
    Caracterización del agente narrativo en las experiencias vividas.Guillermo Alberto Freydell Montoya - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (118):159-176.
    La dimensión hermenéutica de las experiencias vividas se ha abordado desde una reducción analítica que suspende temporal y espacialmente la caracterización de agente narrativo. La racionalidad narrativa podría ofrecer una estructura dinámica en la configuración de la identidad del agente narrativo, además de posibilidades formativas que amplían sus dominios de significación y acción. El artículo de reflexión presenta elementos estructurales de la narrativa para caracterizar el agente narrativo. Esquematismo, tradición y triple mímesis, como base para la configuración de historias que (...)
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    From crystallography to structural biology, a century of discoveries.Guillermo Montoya - 2015 - Arbor 191 (772):a217.
  3.  44
    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un hemocentro regional en Pereira.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias & Carlos Alberto Acevedo Lozada - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Propuesta metodologica para la elaboración de planes de negocios.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias & Carlos Alberto Acevedo Lozada - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    The genome editing revolution: A CRISPR‐Cas TALE off‐target story.Stefano Stella & Guillermo Montoya - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (S1):4-13.
    In the last 10 years, we have witnessed a blooming of targeted genome editing systems and applications. The area was revolutionized by the discovery and characterization of the transcription activator‐like effector proteins, which are easier to engineer to target new DNA sequences than the previously available DNA binding templates, zinc fingers and meganucleases. Recently, the area experimented a quantum leap because of the introduction of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)‐associated protein (Cas) system (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic (...)
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  6. The a priori method and the actio concept revised. Dynamics and metaphysics in an unpublished controversy between Leibniz and Denis Papin.Alberto Guillermo Ranea - 1989 - Studia Leibnitiana 21 (1):42-68.
    Gestützt auf die bisher unveröffentlichten Teile des Briefwechsels von Leibniz mit Denis Papin aus der Zeit von 1692 bis 1700 wird in diesem Aufsatz versucht, einige Aspekte der Leibnizschen Dynamik darzulegen. Insbesondere wird der apriorische Beweis der Erhaltung der actio f ormalis im Zusammenhang mit der Diskussion zwischen Leibniz und Papin über die Messung der Kraft bei der horizontalen Bewegung behandelt. Es war Leibniz* Absicht, durch den apriorischen Beweis die Dynamik zu begründen und die Cartesianischen Gesetze der Bewegung zu ersetzen. (...)
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  7.  59
    El Liberalismo de Popper: Más necesario que nunca.Juan Guillermo Estay Sepúlveda, Mario Lagomarsino Montoya, Juan Mansilla Sepúlveda, Marcos Parada Ulloa & José Luis Reyes Lobos - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (1):54-64.
    Undoubtedly, democracy is in constant danger. The Athenian creation -later taken by the Latin American countries in the political-administrative figure of the Republic- has demonstrated not to be the best government model, but, the less evil, as expressed by an English politician when he saw that his empire era was coming to an end. And one of those defenders was the critical acid of the Vienna Circle and contemporary philosopher Karl Popper, who lived on his own flesh the mistakes of (...)
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    La fortuna del "De Corpore" Hobbesiano en la historia de la mecánica: su recepción en la obra de G.W. Leibniz.Alberto Guillermo Ranea - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):91.
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    Content-based image authentication using sparse features and SOM trajectories.Alberto Peinado, Andrés Ortiz & Guillermo Cotrina - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL:jzv039.
  10. From Galileo to Leibniz: motion, qualities and experience at the Foundation of natural science.Alberto Guillermo Ranea - 1994 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 48 (188):161-174.
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  11. La réception de Leibniz et les difficultés de la reconstruction idéale de l'histoire de la science d'après Ernst Cassirer.Alberto Guillermo Ranea - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana:301-315.
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    On the Rejection of Random Perturbations and the Tracking of Random References in a Quadrotor.Jesus Alberto Meda-Campaña, Jonathan Omega Escobedo-Alva, José de Jesús Rubio, Carlos Aguilar-Ibañez, Jose Humberto Perez-Cruz, Guillermo Obregon-Pulido, Ricardo Tapia-Herrera, Eduardo Orozco, Daniel Andres Cordova & Marco Antonio Islas - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    In this note, the problem of tracking random references and rejecting random perturbations in a quadrotor, both generated by an auxiliary system named exosystem, is solved by extending the deterministic tracking problem to the area of stochastic processes. Besides, it is considered that only a part of the state vector of the quadrotor is available through measurements. As a consequence, the state vector of the plant must be estimated in order to close the control loop. On this basis, a controller (...)
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  13. Una aproximación pura a la violencia.Franco Caviglia Y. Alberto Guillermo Ferrazzano - 2016 - In Gina Paola Rodríguez, Franco Caviglia & Alberto Guillermo Ferrazzano, La medusa en el espejo: ensayos sobre la violencia contemporánea. CABA: Ediciones Ciccus.
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    Cuba en movimiento: derrumbe del socialismo, una mirada de primer orden.Francisco Alberto Pérez Piñón, Guillermo Hernández Orozco & Jesús Adolfo Trujillo Holguín - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (27):27-44.
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    Técnicas de clasificación y análisis de representación del conocimiento para problemas de diagnóstico.Guillermo Roberto Solarte Martínez, S. Ocampo & Carlos Alberto - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Medical Responsibility in the Colombian Context: A Review of Negligence from the Legal Framework and Ethical Perspective. [REVIEW]Carlos Alberto Aponte García, Ana María Lozano Hurtado, Leidy Johana Arcila Montoya, Luis Carlos Muñoz González & Maria Del Pilar Garcia Valdes - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1884-1897.
    This article explores medical responsibility and negligence from an ethical and legal perspective within the Colombian context. It highlights causes of negligence such as deficiencies in professional training and organizational problems. The article emphasizes "objective imputation as key to determining the criminal responsibility of the physician" (Alvarado D. 2019). The objectives include analyzing the current legal framework in Colombia and assessing the link between medical ethics and legal responsibility. The methodology builds upon a thorough examination of specialized literature, including peer-reviewed (...)
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  17.  17
    Nietzsche, 150 años.Jairo Montoya (ed.) - 1995 - [Medellín]: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Posgrado de Estética.
    CONTENIDO: Itinerarios nietzscheanos / Aníbal Córdoba M. / - Nietzscher y la historia / Luis Antonio Restrepo A. / - Lenguaje, genealogía e interpretación / Jairo Montoya G. / - El amor y la muerte en la vida y el pensamiento de Nietzsche / Carlos Mario González R. / - La caverna de la interpretación / Jorge Mario Mejía T. / - Genealogía y poder / Jean Paul Margot / - Nietzche y la escritura / Jorge Alberto Naranjo (...)
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    "La Refutacion del Psicologismo por Husserl."O Metodo Fenomenologico na Psicologia.Bases Fundamentales de la Ontologia Fenomenologica. [REVIEW]Arthur Child, Alberto Wagner de Reyna, Nilton Campos & Guillermo Devers Johnson - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (1):160.
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    Is visual metacognition associated with autistic traits? A regression analysis shows no link between visual metacognition and Autism-Spectrum Quotient scores.Iair Embon, Sebastián Cukier, Alberto Iorio, Pablo Barttfeld & Guillermo Solovey - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 110 (C):103502.
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    La medusa en el espejo: ensayos sobre la violencia contemporánea.Gina Paola Rodríguez, Franco Caviglia & Alberto Guillermo Ferrazzano (eds.) - 2016 - CABA: Ediciones Ciccus.
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    El pensamiento de Guillermo Francovich.Alberto Zelada C. - 1966 - Sucre,: Bolivia.
  22. Luisa Alberca y la generación de señas de identidad en el primer franquismo.Alberto Sánchez Álvarez-Insúa - 2006 - Arbor 182 (720):469-487.
    El artículo describe la trayectoria literaria de Luisa Alberca (Alcázar de San Juan, 1920), autora de seriales radiofónicos, en colaboración con Guillermo Sautier Casaseca, novelas, obras de teatro y guiones cinematográficos. Se analiza con detalle su obra Lo que no muere, emitida en 1952 y su influencia en la generación de señas de identidad de los españoles en el primer franquismo.
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    Los conventos de la provincia mínima de Sevilla a finales del Antiguo Régimen.Jorge Alberto Jordán Fernández - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (18):561-585.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer algunas históricas que puedan ofrecer datos sobre la situación de los conventos de la provincia de Sevilla a finales del Antiguo Régimen. Para ello contamos con varios legajos conservados en el Archivo del Arzobispado de Sevilla y también la Crónica de dicha orden religiosa, del Padre Lucas de Montoya (Madrid 1619). Con todo ese material estamos en condiciones de aportar datos sobre tres momentos (1619, 1775 y 1821) que nos permitirán (...)
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    Hans Kelsen: una teoría pura del derecho.Carlos Gaviria Díaz, Fuentes Contreras & Édgar Hernán (eds.) - 2010 - [Bogotá]: Fundación Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano.
    En más de doscientas páginas, el lector encontrará cinco artículos: las palabras pronunciadas por el profesor Carlos Gaviria Díaz el día en que se realizó el evento "Hans Kelsen: una teoría pura del derecho ", las ponencias escritas de los profesores Óscar Mejía Quintana, Thomas Bustamante y el suscrito, Édgar Hernán Fuentes Contreras, mas una contribución invaluable e inédita para este texto del profesor Mario Alberto Montoya Brand. Una antología de textos disímiles, pero con la rigurosidad académica propia (...)
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  25. Stereotypes, Conceptual Centrality and Gender Bias: An Empirical Investigation.Guillermo Del Pinal, Alex Madva & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2017 - Ratio 30 (4):384-410.
    Discussions in social psychology overlook an important way in which biases can be encoded in conceptual representations. Most accounts of implicit bias focus on ‘mere associations’ between features and representations of social groups. While some have argued that some implicit biases must have a richer conceptual structure, they have said little about what this richer structure might be. To address this lacuna, we build on research in philosophy and cognitive science demonstrating that concepts represent dependency relations between features. These relations, (...)
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  26. What Is an Inconsistent Truth Table?Zach Weber, Guillermo Badia & Patrick Girard - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):533-548.
    ABSTRACTDo truth tables—the ordinary sort that we use in teaching and explaining basic propositional logic—require an assumption of consistency for their construction? In this essay we show that truth tables can be built in a consistency-independent paraconsistent setting, without any appeal to classical logic. This is evidence for a more general claim—that when we write down the orthodox semantic clauses for a logic, whatever logic we presuppose in the background will be the logic that appears in the foreground. Rather than (...)
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  27. Tomismo y nominalismo en la lógica novohispana.Juan Manuel Campos Benítez - 2005 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 12:135-142.
    Presentamos algunas ideas de autores medievales acerca de las oraciones cuyo sujeto carece de referente, y si dichas oraciones. Los autores tratados son nominalistas del siglo xiv: Guillermo de Ockham, Alberto de Sajonia y Juan Buridan; y el realista moderado Vicente Ferrer. Luego abordamos a dos novohispanos, Alonso de la Veracruz y Tomás de Mercado, que están inmersos en la tradición medieval.
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    Gregorio Klimovsky, el lenguaje y las teorías científicas: Presentación.María Cristina González - 2011 - Análisis Filosófico 31 (1):67-68.
    La realización de homenajes a figuras apreciadas del mundo académico impone el reto de seleccionar cuál sea el contenido de lo presentado en el evento para que éste se constituya en una auténtica muestra de reconocimiento de sus méritos.En ocasión de la mesa de homenaje a Gregorio Klimovsky, organizada por la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella a instancias de Guillermo Ranea, y convocada en el seno de las XX Jornadas de Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, el 26 de noviembre (...)
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    Historia, filosofía y ciencia medievales (siglo XIV) según El nombre de la rosa, de Umberto Eco.José C. Illana Rubio & Yolanda Illana Ruiz - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:300-315.
    En los primeros años del siglo XIV se planteó la polémica entre los franciscanos “espirituales” y el papa Juan XXII. El emperador alemán Luis de Baviera intervino en la confrontación a favor de los franciscanos y en contra del Papa. En la novela El nombre de la Rosa de Umberto Eco, se escenifica el conflicto entre el Franciscano Guillermo, que representa a Guillermo de Ockham y el inquisidor dominico Bernardo de Guí. En sus páginas se cita la filosofía (...)
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    Husserl Or Frege?: Meaning, Objectivity, and Mathematics.Claire Ortiz Hill & Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock - 2000 - LaSalle IL: Open Court.
    Most areas of philosopher Edmund Husserl’s thought have been explored, but his views on logic, mathematics, and semantics have been largely ignored. These essays offer an alternative to discussions of the philosophy of contemporary mathematics. The book covers areas of disagreement between Husserl and Gottlob Frege, the father of analytical philosophy, and explores new perspectives seen in their work.
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  31. Prototypes as compositional components of concepts.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2016 - Synthese 193 (9):2899–2927.
    The aim of this paper is to reconcile two claims that have long been thought to be incompatible: that we compositionally determine the meaning of complex expressions from the meaning of their parts, and that prototypes are components of the meaning of lexical terms such as fish, red, and gun. Hypotheses and are independently plausible, but most researchers think that reconciling them is a difficult, if not hopeless task. In particular, most linguists and philosophers agree that is not negotiable; so (...)
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  32.  61
    Defeasible logic programming: DeLP-servers, contextual queries, and explanations for answers.Alejandro J. García & Guillermo R. Simari - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (1):63-88.
    Argumentation represents a way of reasoning over a knowledge base containing possibly incomplete and/or inconsistent information, to obtain useful conclusions. As a reasoning mechanism, the way an argumentation reasoning engine reaches these conclusions resembles the cognitive process that humans follow to analyze their beliefs; thus, unlike other computationally reasoning systems, argumentation offers an intellectually friendly alternative to other defeasible reasoning systems. LogicProgrammingisacomputationalparadigmthathasproducedcompu- tationallyattractivesystemswithremarkablesuccessinmanyapplications. Merging ideas from both areas, Defeasible Logic Programming offers a computational reasoning system that uses an argumentation engine (...)
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  33. Probabilistic semantics for epistemic modals: Normality assumptions, conditional epistemic spaces and the strength of must and might.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (4):985-1026.
    The epistemic modal auxiliaries must and might are vehicles for expressing the force with which a proposition follows from some body of evidence or information. Standard approaches model these operators using quantificational modal logic, but probabilistic approaches are becoming increasingly influential. According to a traditional view, must is a maximally strong epistemic operator and might is a bare possibility one. A competing account—popular amongst proponents of a probabilisitic turn—says that, given a body of evidence, must \ entails that \\) is (...)
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  34. Presuppositional exhaustification.Itai Bassi, Guillermo Del Pinal & Uli Sauerland - 2021 - Semantics and Pragmatics 14:1-42.
    Grammatical theories of Scalar Implicatures make use of an exhaustivity operator exh, which asserts the conjunction of the prejacent with the negation of excludable alternatives. We present a new Grammatical theory of Scalar Implicatures according to which exh is replaced with pex, an operator that contributes its prejacent as asserted content, but the negation of scalar alternatives at a non-at-issue level of meaning. We show that by treating this non-at-issue level as a presupposition, this theory resolves a number of empirical (...)
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  35.  43
    Free choice and presuppositional exhaustification.Guillermo Del Pinal, Itai Bassi & Uli Sauerland - unknown
    Sentences such as Olivia can take Logic or Algebra (‘♢∨-sentences’) are typically interpreted as entailing that Olivia can take Logic and can take Algebra. Given a standard semantics for modals and disjunction, those ‘Free choice’ (FC) readings are not predicted from the surface form of ♢∨-sentences. Yet the standard semantics is appropriate for the ‘double prohibition’ reading typically assigned to ¬♢∨-sentences like Olivia can’t take Logic or Algebra. Several extant approaches to FC can account for those two cases, but face (...)
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  36. Economic Inequality Increases Status Anxiety Through Perceived Contextual Competitiveness.Davide Melita, Guillermo B. Willis & Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Status anxiety, the constant concern about individuals’ position on the social ladder, negatively affects social cohesion, health, and wellbeing. Given previous findings showing that status anxiety is associated with economic inequality, we aimed in this research to test this association experimentally. A cross-sectional study was run in order to discard confounding effects of the relationship between perceived economic inequality and status anxiety, and to explore the mediating role of a competitive climate. Then we predicted that people assigned to a condition (...)
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  37. There and Up Again: On the Uses and Misuses of Neuroimaging in Psychology.Guillermo Del Pinal & Marco J. Nathan - 2013 - Cognitive Neuropsychology 30 (4):233-252.
    The aim of this article is to discuss the conditions under which functional neuroimaging can contribute to the study of higher cognition. We begin by presenting two case studies—on moral and economic decision making—which will help us identify and examine one of the main ways in which neuroimaging can help advance the study of higher cognition. We agree with critics that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies seldom “refine” or “confirm” particular psychological hypotheses, or even provide details of the neural (...)
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  38.  23
    Does using a foreign language reduce mental imagery?Guillermo Montero-Melis, Petrus Isaksson, Jeroen van Paridon & Markus Ostarek - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104134.
    In a recent article, Hayakawa and Keysar (2018) propose that mental imagery is less vivid when evoked in a foreign than in a native language. The authors argue that reduced mental imagery could even account for moral foreign language effects, whereby moral choices become more utilitarian when made in a foreign language. Here we demonstrate that Hayakawa and Keysar's (2018) key results are better explained by reduced language comprehension in a foreign language than by less vivid imagery. We argue that (...)
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    Currying Omnipotence: A Reply to Beall and Cotnoir.Andrew Tedder & Guillermo Badia - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):119-121.
    Beall and Cotnoir (2017) argue that theists may accept the claim that God's omnipotence is fully unrestricted if they also adopt a suitable nonclassical logic. Their primary focus is on the infamous Stone problem (i.e., whether God can create a stone too heavy for God to lift). We show how unrestricted omnipotence generates Curry‐like paradoxes. The upshot is that Beall and Cotnoir only provide a solution to one version of the Stone problem, but that unrestricted omnipotence generates other problems which (...)
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    A Lindström theorem for intuitionistic first-order logic.Grigory Olkhovikov, Guillermo Badia & Reihane Zoghifard - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (10):103346.
  41. Husserl's epistemology of mathematics and the foundation of platonism in mathematics.Guillermo E. Rosado Handdock - 1987 - Husserl Studies 4 (2):81-102.
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    Improvement of Inter-Professional Collaborative Work Abilities in Mexican Medical and Nursing Students: A Longitudinal Study.Guillermo J. Tuirán-Gutiérrez, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto Delgado-Bolton, Blanca Bartolomé & Luis Vivanco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Craig Interpolation Theorem Fails in Bi-Intuitionistic Predicate Logic.Grigory K. Olkhovikov & Guillermo Badia - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):611-633.
    In this article we show that bi-intuitionistic predicate logic lacks the Craig Interpolation Property. We proceed by adapting the counterexample given by Mints, Olkhovikov and Urquhart for intuitionistic predicate logic with constant domains [13]. More precisely, we show that there is a valid implication $\phi \rightarrow \psi $ with no interpolant. Importantly, this result does not contradict the unfortunately named ‘Craig interpolation’ theorem established by Rauszer in [24] since that article is about the property more correctly named ‘deductive interpolation’ (see (...)
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    Pere Alberch’s Developmental Morphospaces and the Evolution of Cognition.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):297-304.
    In this article we argue for an extension of Pere Alberch’s notion of developmental morphospace into the realm of cognition and introduce the notion of cognitive phenotype as a new tool for the evolutionary and developmental study of cognitive abilities.
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    Ahistorical homology and multiple realizability.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (6):881-902.
    The Mind-Brain Identity Theory lived a short life as a respectable philosophical position in the late 1950s, until Hilary Putnam developed his famous argument on the multiple realizability of mental states. The argument was, and still is, taken as the definitive demonstration of the falsity of Identity Theory and the foundation on which contemporary functionalist computational cognitive science was to be grounded. In this paper, in the wake of some contemporary philosophers, we reopen the case for Identity Theory and offer (...)
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  46. The Structure of Semantic Competence: Compositionality as an Innate Constraint of The Faculty of Language.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (4):375–413.
    This paper defends the view that the Faculty of Language is compositional, i.e., that it computes the meaning of complex expressions from the meanings of their immediate constituents and their structure. I fargue that compositionality and other competing constraints on the way in which the Faculty of Language computes the meanings of complex expressions should be understood as hypotheses about innate constraints of the Faculty of Language. I then argue that, unlike compositionality, most of the currently available non-compositional constraints predict (...)
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  47. Language in Cognition. Uncovering Mental Structures and the Rules Behind Them.Guillermo José Lorenzo González - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
  48. What use a clove hitch? Reflections on the operation of artifacts and bodies in a world without function.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):57-76.
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  49. Low attention impairs optimal incorporation of prior knowledge in perceptual decisions.Jorge Morales, Guillermo Solovey, Brian Maniscalco, Dobromir Rahnev, Floris P. de Lange & Hakwan Lau - 2015 - Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 77 (6):2021-2036.
    When visual attention is directed away from a stimulus, neural processing is weak and strength and precision of sensory data decreases. From a computational perspective, in such situations observers should give more weight to prior expectations in order to behave optimally during a discrimination task. Here we test a signal detection theoretic model that counter-intuitively predicts subjects will do just the opposite in a discrimination task with two stimuli, one attended and one unattended: when subjects are probed to discriminate the (...)
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    The End of Development.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (1):60-72.
    Recently, there has been a growing interest, both within theoretical biology and the philosophy of biology, in the possibility and desirability of a theory of development. Among the many issues raised within this debate, the questions of the spatial and temporal boundaries of development have received particular attention. In this article, noting that so far the discussion has mostly centered on the processes of morphogenesis and organogenesis, we argue that an important missing element in the equation, namely the development of (...)
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